
Maintained by ppernot

Data Selection module

This module enables to fine tune a subset of data to be analyzed, mainly to remove over-noisy area or artefacts (signal rise, Cherenkov…).

Important: you have to visit this tab to activate/enable the the analysis tabs (SVD, ALS…).

The left panel contains four tabs:

and a set of buttons to Reset, Save and Load selections.

Warning: the Save and Load operations are experimental, meaning unstable. Presently, any difference in the loaded matrices prevents the reuse of saved selections.

The right panel contains two tabs with graphical representations that show the modifications due to the actions in the left panel:

Selection tab

This tab contains three sliders:

Baseline tab

A Baseline mask is used to correct the baseline in a data matrix, by delaywise averaging the masked values to zero.

When several matrices have been delay-tiled, each baseline correction is applied to the data between this mask and the next one (or the end if none is present).

Note: The data covered by the Baseline masks are not excluded from the data analysis.

The initial tab contains two elements:

For each mask, a slider is created enabling to define its min and max positions. The masks are represented by salmon transparent areas on the matrix and cuts figures.

Tip: Zooming on the data matrix is helpful to define precise limits.

Wavl Mask tab

The wavl masks are intended to exclude wavelength-delimited area(s) from data analysis, typically over-noisy areas or laser wavelengths.

The initial tab contains two elements:

For each mask, a slider is created enabling to define its min and max positions.

Delay Mask tab

The delay masks are intended to exclude delay-delimited area(s) from data analysis, typically baseline areas and artefacts (Cherenkov).

The initial tab contains two elements:

For each mask, a slider is created enabling to define its min and max positions.