Maintained by ppernot
The Alternated Least Squares (ALS) algorithms factorizes the data matrix given a number of species and some constraints (e.g., positivity of kinetics…).
The left panel contains the controls, and the right panel displays the outputs.
is the number of species. This should be consistent with
the results of the SVD analysis.
Max # Iter.
is the maximal number of iterations allowed before
stopping the optimizer.
Log convergence threshold
controls the logarithm of the stopping
convergence threshold of the optimizer.
The Run
button starts the ALS optimization.
Several tabs enable to fine tune the ALS analysis:
Initialization enables to select a starting point
takes the absolute values of the SVD vectors
takes the solution of a Non-negative Matrix
Factorization algorithm
performs a series of ALS optimizations with
increasing dimension
enables to restart from a previous run. It does
not work if Dimension
is changed.
Use SVD-filtered matrix
uses the noise filtering ability of
thee SVD reconstruction. The matrix is computed with the
dimension specified in the SVD
Opt S first
start by optimizing the spectra vectors, instead
of the kinetics vectors by default.
S const.
tab: constraints on the spectra vectors
S > 0
: positivity constraint
S unimodal
: unimodality constraint
: normalize the spectra:
SUM(S) = 1
normalizes the area of the spectra. The default
is to normalize the intensities.Smooth
: a smoothing factor to get less noisy spectra, used as
the span
parameter in the
Fix spectral shape(s)
Select a .csv
file with spectra to
be constrained. The file should be in the same format
as the data files (separator, decimal mark) and contain
a header with the names of the species. The first column
should contain the wavelength. It is possible to load several
files. Example: (
The spectra are interpolated on the wavl grid of the data matrix.
By default, the spectra are used as such (hard constraint) which
is often too strong and results in poor solutions. Activating
Soft constraint
enables to input a weight for the similarity
constraint in the loss function of the ALS. The logWeight
slider enables to tune this weight.
C const.
tab: constraints on the kinetics vectors
C > 0
: positivity constraint
: imposes the conservation of matter by normalizing the
sum of the kinetics to 1 (at each delay).
Warning: This works only for unimolecular processes and could be in conflict with normalization constrains on the spectra.
Presence matrix
enables to specify the occurrence of
individual species in different experiments when datasets have
been delay-tiled. By default the matrix is filled with ones (1).
Put 0 where a species is not expected to occur. When finished,
press Done
Alternated Least Squares
This shows the convergence message of the ALS code.
Tip: For a succesful fit, the lack-of-fit should be versy close to the lack-of-fit statistics of a SVD with the same dimension.
This gives access to several results:
Data vs. Model
whichh compares side by side the best fit model
to the data matrix
which shows the residuals map and an histogram of the
residuals compared to the histogram of the data.
SVD of residuals
which provides the Singular Values
Decomposition of the residuals matrix.In the ideal case, all
vectors should be featureless and appear as pure noise. A normal
Q-Q plot is provided to assess the normality of the residuals
Kinetics and Spectra
This tab provides zoomable plots of the spectra and the associated kinetics, identified by color code. The data can be saved to disk.
This tab shows the contribution matrix of each species with its weight.
In most cases, the ALS decomposition is not unique and subject to rotational ambiguity. If one transforms/combines the spectra, the inverse transformation applied to the kinetics will leave their combination unchanged. The range of eligible transformations is limited by the varoius constraints on the ALS solutions (positivity…).
The algorithm performs a brute force exploration of transformation matrices and might require a long time to finish. It returns a subset of valid spectra and kinetics, from which one can appreciate the level of ambiguity and/or search for better behaved solutions than the ones returned by the ALS.
Several controls are available:
Pick 2 or 3 vectors
: according to the dimension of the ALS
decomposition, one has to choose a set of vectors. This might be
the full set for dimensions 2 and 3, but the algorithm does not
allow explorations of more than three-vectors transformations.
Relative positivity threshold
: because of the noise in the
data, one has to enable some level on non-positivity in the
transformed vectors. The slider enables to pick a level.
Exploration step
: the step amplitude for the exploration of
the transformation matrix elements. The smaller the better and
more accurate, but very small steps might incur very long
: click to start process when all other parameters have
been chosen.
: early stop of the process (it works sometimes…)
: save the subset of transformed spectra and kinetics to