Project module

Project definition and data input.

New Project tab

  • Project Name: choose a name. If not, a name will be generated from the datafiles selected below.

  • Predefined File Formats: a few data file formats have been predefined from the datafiles of different experiments. Choose the one corresponding to your data. For fine tuning, select ‘Other…’ which will open a new panel.

    Header Separator Decimal Data structure
    CSV FALSE ‘,’ ‘.’ wxd
    ELYSE FALSE ‘\t’ ‘.’ wxd
    Fluo FALSE ‘;’ ‘.’ wxd
    Streak TRUE ‘,’ ‘.’ wxd
    • Header: does the first line contain column headers ?

    • Separator: symbol used to separate the columns

    • Decimal: character used in the file for decimal points

    • Data structure:

      • wxd: wavelength in columns; delays in lines

      • dxw: delays in columns; wavelengths in lines

    Note: the first line of the matrix must contain the delays or wavelengths, depending on the choice of Data structure.

    Example of a CSV-type data file structure

    'x/y', t1,  t2,  t3,  t4, ...
    wl1,  x11, x12, x13, x14, ...
    wl2,  x21, x22, x23, x24, ...
  • Load-time compression factors: the data can be averaged by blocks at load time to save processing time and reduce noise.

    • Delay width (in pixels) of the block in delay dimension

    • Wavl width (in pixels) of the block in wavelength dimension

  • Transform delay (for single matrix only): when multiple files are assembled (tiled) the delay scale is replaced by an index in the plots to keep an increasing value. When a single matrix is downloaded, the original delay scale is preserved. This can be overridden by choosing either an index scale or a Log10 scale. In the latter case, all data points with null or negative delays are recasted uniformly in the interval \(]0, d_{min}[\), where \(d_{min}\) is the smallest positive delay.

  • Select data file(s): select one or several files to be analyzed. Selecting the files will create new items in the right panel:

    • a success message ‘Data Loaded !

    • an active table with a description of the file(s). When several files have been loaded:

      • it is possible to use the table to select a subset or to reorder them.

      • a menu appears with processing options:

        • Average: average the selected files

        • Tile Wavl: assemble the matrices in the wavelength dimension

        • Tile Delay (default): assemble the matrices in the delay dimension. In this case, the delay coordinate is replaced by an index.

        • press on Do It! to process the data

    • a summary of the processed matrix

    • Save Matrix: to save the processed matrix in a .csv file

    • a vignette of the processed matrix

  • Post-process compression factor: the block averaging is performed after the data files are assembled.

Open and Save tabs

These are placeholders. The functionalities are not active.