
Maintained by ppernot

Analysis module

Once the simulation results are available (or a part of them), they can be analyzed to plot kinetic traces, mass-spectra or perform sensitivity analysis.

The analysis of reaction fluxes is done in the Fluxes module.


Kinetics tab

A plot of the time-dependent mole fractions of the chemical species and their uncertainty bands. The plot is zoomable (select the area and double-click; double-click again to cancel the zoom).

Pseudo-MS tab

A plot of (pseudo) mass spectra. The MS for neutrals and ions are presented separately. For neutral species, these are not electronic impact (EI) fragmentation mass spectra, but abundances at the unfragmented species mass.

Sensitivity tab

This is where one performs sensitivity analysis (SA) to identify key reactions. In the Monte-Carlo framework, key reactions are those which have the largest impact on the prediction uncertainty of a quantity of interest. This will run only if MC runs have been performed.

Sanity checks tab

Outputs tab

This module checks in MC samples if final concentrations, photorates or reaction rates present numerical exceptions (zero, infinity, NaN…).

The following statistics are reported for each problematic variable:

Integration tab

This module plots statistics about the IRKC implicit-explicit integrator (cf.

Spectral radius tab

This module plots statistics about the IRKC implicit-explicit integrator (cf.