Maintained by ppernot
The left panel displays the current values of the project’s parameters
(initialized from the control.dat
file present in the project’s folder
or the chosen template for new projects).
The right panel contains a series of tabs for the different parts of the model.
This is where the chemical scheme/network is set-up.
: generate the list of reactions corresponding to the initial
the Species
and Compo.
boxes enable to define the composition
of the initial gaz mixture.
when the composition is typed in, hit the Generate Reactions
The code reads the chemistry databases and elaborates iteratively
a set of reactions specific to the species present in the initial
gaz mixture.
Note: if a file reacScheme.Rda
exists in the Run
it is downloaded and the reaction scheme is initialized automatically,
without the need to hit Generate Reactions
the results of the Volpert analysis used to generate the reaction network are proveded in the right panel, showing the new species added at each iteration. The Volpert index (VlpI) is the number of steps separating a species from the initial mixture.
# Pseudocode for the 'Volpert' generation of reaction scheme
# Inputs:
# - the initial mixture of the gaz
# - a database of reactions (including photoprocesses)
# Outputs:
# - a reduced and consistent list of reactions
# - a list of accessible species
1. VlpI = 0 : initialize species list with initial mixture
2. VlPI = 1 :
a. search and list photoprocess for species in the list
b. augment the list with the photoprocess products
(new species are tagged with VlpI = 1)
3. VlpI = VlpI +1
a. search and list photoprocess and reactions involving
species in the list as reactants
b. augment the list with the products of these reactions
(new species are tagged with VlpI)
c. if (no new species)
iterate at 3.
offers options to reduce the initial reaction scheme:
Remove ions !
enables to keep a purely neutral network. This can be
used to estimate the impact of ions chemistry on neutral species…
Species to remove
enables to enter a list of comma separated
species names. All the reactions in which the species participate,
either as reactants or products, are removed from the scheme.
Dummify sinks !
transforms all loss-less species, if any, into a
dummy ‘Products’ species. Other dummy species are not affected. This
has no impact on the reactions scheme.
presents a zoomable and active graphical view of the network.
Two controls are available:
Nodes attraction
controls the strength of the forces in the
network representation.
Max Volpert Index
enables to see the iterative building of the
reactions network, from the initial mixture, to the final scheme.
The species appearing at each Volpert iteration are color coded.
offers a choice of options to color the nodes
of the graph:
colors by the value of the volpert index
colors by the charge of the species
, louvain
, fast_greedy
are community detection algorithms
proposed by the igraph package
(experimental; might be very slow for large networks)
lists the reactions.
The list can be copied to the clipboard or downloaded to disk.
Typing a species name into the Target sp.
textbox on the left
selects the subset of reactions involving this species.
lists the species for which no loss reactions have been
found. These will act as sinks.
is used to assemble Monte-Carlo samples from the generated network.
The data are gathered from ChemDBPublic
, a repository of database samples
generated from MC-ChemDB
#MC samples
enables to define the desired number
(N, currently 500 max).
Generate Samples
starts the generation of MC samples.
N+1 samples are generated, with numbers from 0 to N, where 0 is the nominal sample, containing the unperturbed reference values for the chemistry parameters.
The generated files are stored in the MC_Input
of the project’s folder.
They will overwrite existing files with the same sample numbers.
The spectrum, intensity and cross-section of the irradiation beam are defined here.
Beam spectrum file
is used to choose a spectrum file on disk.
Note the spectral resolution has to be conform to the one
declared for the photolysis cross-sections in the ChemDB Versions
Predefined files
proposes a set of spectra.
Spectrum Range
enables to define the irradiation spectral range
(by default the range of the spectrum file, in nanometers)
Beam intensity (^-2.s^-1)
defines the intensity of the beam.
If negative, the intensities in the spectrum file are used.
Beam Section (cm^2)
defines the beam’s cross-section.
A summary is provided at the bottom of the controls column, and a figure of the model spectrum is shown on the right.
The reactor is considered as a tube in which a gaz flow is maintained.
The dimensions of the tube (length, cross-section), the working temperatures (gaz and electrons), the properties of the gaz flow (total pressure, reactants pressure and reactants flux) and the duration of the experiment are managed here.
By default, the latest versions of the chemmistry databases (Photoprocs, Neutrals and Ions) are used, but the user can control specific versions through this tab.
The resolution of the photoprocesses cross-sections can be switched
between 1 nm
(default) and 0.1 nm
(high resolution).