
Maintained by ppernot

Model module

The left panel displays the current values of the project’s parameters (initialized from the control.dat file present in the project’s folder or the chosen template for new projects).

The right panel contains a series of tabs for the different parts of the model.

Chemistry tab

This is where the chemical scheme/network is set-up.

Irradiation tab

The spectrum, intensity and cross-section of the irradiation beam are defined here.

A summary is provided at the bottom of the controls column, and a figure of the model spectrum is shown on the right.

Reactor tab

The reactor is considered as a tube in which a gaz flow is maintained.

The dimensions of the tube (length, cross-section), the working temperatures (gaz and electrons), the properties of the gaz flow (total pressure, reactants pressure and reactants flux) and the duration of the experiment are managed here.

ChemDB Versions tab

By default, the latest versions of the chemmistry databases (Photoprocs, Neutrals and Ions) are used, but the user can control specific versions through this tab.

The resolution of the photoprocesses cross-sections can be switched between 1 nm (default) and 0.1 nm (high resolution).